Meet vxFinder


Offline content consumption has become an essential element of many video providers’ offers. CatchUP, Restart, and Backward EPG all rely on EPG data in recording. There are a lot of unnecessary minutes before and after almost every asset: beside intro or final credits there is usually some overlap to cover auto-promotion or adverts. As these unwanted minutes take up an enormous amount of storage, we have created a solution that eliminates this issue. vxFinder's unique ability to find video patterns in video streams (Live or VoD) allows reporting compliance towards Broadcast Regulations, control advertisement emissions or simply mark beginning and end of episode for vast VoD libraries. For the live streams, we can generate SMPTE-35 signalization while Advert is recognized.

For Live and VoD.

Neural networks and advanced algorithms for video analysis and automated advertisement insertion.

Multicast, unicast or ABR inputs and outputs (possible reporting and proof of occurrence in ABR).

Guided via API or SCTE35 to start/stop recording.

Multiple scenarios with PTS and time-based markers.

Customizable parameters.

Assets trimmed accordingly, and ingested or reingested when necessary.

Ideal for Backward EPG/CatchUP/Restart services.

Operational assistance in keeping the start/stop frames of ads jingle counts to a minimum, while the learning model grows in automation.

High efficiency.

API for automation.


Fully and seamlessly integrated with vxApps

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So why not contact us so that we can show you what vxApps can do for your business.

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